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To Da Front with Mitch - 3/7/17

     With the new year comes the return of To Da Front.  Granted we hope this year won't be a busy one, we will still keep up with our involvement and social interactions.  At this point in 2017, we have two starts on the books.  Both with our PT Cruiser Enduro.  

     On February 4th, we returned to Ransomville Speedway for their annual Hangover 150.  Last time we visited this facility it was blistering cold and we were racing in a snow storm.  This years edition we saw a mild swing in weather, and the snow turned to mud.  We made it most of the way and was running in the top half of the field when the car started to overheat and the windshield washer reservoir ran out of fluid.

     In order to check another track off our list, on March 6th we took a trip to Unity Raceway in Maine to compete in their anything goes enduro.  The intent was to run this race in the snow and that was somewhat the case.  For the most part, all but turns 3 and 4 were clean of snow.  Prior to leaving on the 4.5 hour journey, we caught and repaired a broken radiator, and the new radiator had also gone to the graveyard after this race.  43 cars started the race and we rolled out scratch, only to be lapped before lap 1 was even complete.  We had an intermittent problem with the car too as it would not get up to speed every lap and sort of fall on its face, until it kicked back to life and we were able to drive the thing.  The snow in the corner was about half a foot deep and the ruts took a toll on the field as there were maybe 8-10 cars still running by halfway.  We believe barreling through the ruts are what caused the new radiator to break as it was pouring coolant out from the bottom of the car.  Once the temperature was redlined, we pulled off figuring to save it for another day.


On Board at Ransomville:

On Board at Unity:

**Andover Used Auto Parts, Biggins’ Auto Repair, So Sorry, Lucky Strike Lanes, Thirty Marketing**

Mitch Bombard, driver of the #10CT Enduro, NEMST Car, Mini Stock,  is the writer of the weekly recaps, and expresses the views of his own from his viewpoint behind the wheel, and after watching video (if available).

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